Playing your new Martin, Blueridge or Reverend this holiday season? Show us your stuff! Maybe you've recorded a cool version of "White Christmas" on your BR-160. Maybe you just learned "Jingle Bells" on your D Jr and you have the backup singers to prove it. Maybe you just want to gather around the Christmas Tree with your new guitar and say "Happy Holidays" on-camera. If you have a Holiday video you want to share with us, simply Email it to us, and we'll embed it here on our Happy Holidays Blog. Whatever holiday you're celebrating this time of year, we'd love to share your footage with our entire Maury's Music online family. We'll go first. :)
Lori, Tim & Maury from Maury's Music
Our friends from Martin Guitar!
WDHA's Jim Monaghan aka "Alvin"!
Spoon Phillips from One Man's Guitar!
Maury from Maury's Music!
Marshall Fleisher and his Martin OM-42!
Paul Ukena and his Martin D-18 Authentic!
Our friends at Saga Musical Instruments / Blueridge Guitars!