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Maury's Blog

Thursday, May 28 2020
YouTube LIVE with Aaron Short

Our good pal Aaron Short is a working musician in NYC, and he hosts a wonderful YouTube channel - filled with gear demos, live concerts & fantastic interviews. Aaron and Maury will be spending some time demonstrating & discussing certain Martin models. We'll archive those discussions here.


Posted by: Maury- Maury's Music AT 12:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, May 28 2020
Made in the Shade

Made in the Shade
Martin has a long tradition of adding special toner to the spruce soundboard of a guitar to darken the  lacquer finish in a pleasing, aesthetic way. The official company language has always described such guitars as having a “shaded top,” with the common terms like “sunburst” and “burst” being used for specific types of top shading. And while there have been multiple bursts over the years, the two most popular examples remain available today, the Sunburst 1935 and the Amberburst 1933.

Posted by: Maury- Maury's Music AT 11:10 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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