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Martin SP Phosphor Bronze Guitar Strings - Rate and Review

Rate The Martin SP Phosphor Bronze Guitar Strings
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4 - Highly recommend it
3 - Good product, give it a try
2 - Did the job, nothing special
1 - Save your money

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Martin SP Phosphor Bronze String Reviews
Name or Forum username: Monk
Date: 08-26-2009
Review: Martin SP Phosphor Bronze guitar strings
Rating you give the Martin SP Phosphor Bronze guitar strings: 4 - Highly recommend it

Likes: Great bass strings for ear-popping bright tone in the low to middle registers.  Tons of sustain. Considerably brighter bass strings than the regular Martin PB strings of same gauge.  Longer treble string life (see below).

Dislikes: Some advertising I have seen makes the claim that the PB plating on the treble strings will add a warmth or roundness to the tone which cannot be had with a regular steel treble string.  I have found that with some guitars, this 'warmth' or 'roundness' is actually a lack of brightness or clarity and I prefer regular steel for the treble strings only.  The bass strings are much brighter, though, and the treble strings do last longer.

Additional Comments: Too bad Martin won't make custom sets consisting of SP bass strings and standard steel treble strings! I'll have to stick with regular Martin PB strings because I have found that the steel treble strings sound more consistent across a wider variety of guitars.
Name:  Reed
Date:  05-26-07
Review:  Martin SP Phosphor Bronze  .012 Strings
Rate the Martin SP Phosphor Bronze guitar strings:  4 - Highly recommend it

Likes:  Outstanding string life & brilliant overtones (when new); a bright PB set.

Dislikes:  Nothing

Additional Comments:  A benchmark PB set to judge others by.
Date:  3/30/06
Review:  Martin MSP4150 Strings
Rating you give the Martin SP Phosphor Bronze Strings:  5 - Best thing I ever bought

Likes:  Brilliant gauge for those acoustic players wanting a little more than standard lights offer but not wanting to go to mediums.

Dislikes:  Nothing

Additional Comments:  If you currently use light strings (i.e. 12-53) try these it will really help your acoustic project without being too heavy.
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