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Martin D-100 Deluxe - Rate and Review

Martin D-100 Reviews
Name:  John
Date:  2/22/08
Review:  Martin D-100
Rating you give the Martin D100:
  5 - Best thing I ever played

Like about the Martin D-100 Deluxe:  Simply the most beautiful acoustic guitar you could lay your hands on.

Dislikes:  The price is obviously a setback.

Additional Comments:  This is the creme of the crop.  This guitar was built to be admired and looked at, not played until it looks like crap.  Take it for what it is.

That "rich" lady's review was just priceless.  Keep it in the fiction aisle, hun.
Name:  Helen Drake
Date:  September 6, 2007
Review:  Martin D-100
Rating you give the Martin D100:  1 - Save your money

Like about the Martin D-100:  Elegant like a fine piece of Tiffany jewelry.  The Hope Diamond of Martins (or so the procurer said).  I understand she received a nice sales commission for arranging this purchase via channels.  The massive
inlays along the back & fingerboard really stand out.  Funny, but I've been to a lot of concerts & have never seen a performing artist playing one of these.  Many of them are famous & wealthy.  What gives?

Dislike about the Martin D100:  Surprisingly, I have noticed that several of the lesser-priced Martin models sound equally as good as this one.

Additional Comments:  My personal shopper at Nieman-Marcus suggested this particular Martin instrument as a surprise birthday gift for the man who has everything including a 7-figure job, an elegant 7 bedroom mansion + a summer/winter home in Vail, three vintage sportscars, luxury-box season tickets to the Giants/Rangers/Yankees, a Rolex & a Patek-Phillipe, a wine cellar full of rare wines, a noteworthy collection of modern art & later to my dismay, a stunning Scandinavian mistress fifteen to twenty years my junior.  The buyer ordered one for me & it arrived several weeks later in time for my husband's gala birthday party in the Hamptons.  In addition to being a bon vivant & conniving philanderer, he is also an amateur musician who owns several older electric guitars. Fortunately this gift was paid for with his money.  Since the majority of his belongings were acquired during the course of our 20 year marriage, I imagine he won't be enjoying this guitar for very long as my attorney is now calling for a massive liquidation as terms of our eventual divorce settlement.
Rate the Martin D-100 Deluxe
 5 - Best Martin I ever played
 4 - Highly recommend the Martin D-100 Deluxe
 3 - Good product, give it a try
 2 - Did the job, nothing special
 1 - Save your money, forget the D100

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