John Pearse Silk Strings - Rate and Review
Rate the John Pearse Silk Strings
5 - Best thing I ever bought |
| | 31% | 4 - Highly recommend it |
| | 40% | 3 - Good product, give it a try |
| | 18% | 2 - Did the job, nothing special |
| | 3% | 1 - Save your money |
| | 5% | Total Votes:79 |
| |
John Pearse Silks String Reviews
Name: Hannah Rose
Date: June 11, 2011
Review: Pearse Silks
Rating you give the John Pearse Sliks strings: 5 - Best strings I ever played
Likes: Own a pre-1937 mahogany Gibson...These strings are the best I've ever had on it! Will try them on other guitars!
Dislikes: No dislikes...
Additional Comments: Best strings! I'm a convert!