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D'Addario 80/20 Bronze Guitar Strings - Rate and Review

Rate The D'Addario 80/20 Bronze Guitar Strings
 5 - Best thing I ever bought
 4 - Highly recommend it
 3 - Good product, give it a try
 2 - Did the job, nothing special
 1 - Save your money


D'Addario 80/20 Guitar String Reviews

Name:  Reed
Date:  5-29-07
Review:  D'Addario EJ12 80/20
Rating you give the D'Addario 80/20 strings:
  2 - Did the job nothing special

Like about the D'Addario EJ12's:  Reasonable price (but you get what you pay for).

Dislike about the Daddario EJ's:  Short string life. I got 22 hours out of them before having to replace them.

Additional Comments:  A warmer-sounding 80/20 (compared to the Martin SP & GHS Bright Bronze 80/20s).  Good playability for a medium-gauged set.
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