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Awe-In-One Guitar Picks

Awe-In-One® is the latest technological innovation in guitar picks that are ergonomically designed for excellent grip, control and speed. They come in different sizes, and the largest is no bigger in area size than a regular pick.

The Folk and Rock Series have more than 6 playing edges and tensions within a single pick. Guitarists no longer need to change picks during performance to get the desired feel and sound. From now on, switching from medium to medium-heavy, or heavy, for speed, is only a flip or a turn away.

Awe-In-One can be used on all types of guitars. From relaxed strumming to high-energy solos on nylon strings or electric guitars, it simply produces clearer and brighter sounds. When Awe-In-One is used at a certain angle, the user can either create unusual harmonics or popping string-tugging sound effects.

You no longer have to worry about your fingers straying off-position. With the patented indent, your fingers always remain in position.


Awe-In-One Picks - Folk Debut Series

Yellow Picks - Soft Nylon (soft .45, medium .60, hard .75) - The softest pick of the Folk Series.  Ideal for nylon and steel stringed guitars, and for players transiting from finger picking to flatpicking.  With the hard edge you can immediately switch to lead solos, string popping and funky playing.  Definitely a favorite for beginners and the professionals who want a bit of everything.

Orange Picks - Nylon (soft .45, medium .60, hard .75) - Slightly stiffer than the Yellow pick, this one is nicely balanced with all the tensions for steel and even electric guitars.  If you need to play hot licks or lightning solos, the hard edge is only a turn away.  For those looking for an "ordinary" pick for extraordinary performance.

Green Picks - Polayce (soft .45, medium .60, hard .75) - The stiffest of the Folk Series.  It gives you the robust feel over acoustic and electric guitars.  Still the soft edge offers a quick return to arpeggios and gentle strumming.  When there is no amplifier to plug in your nylon or steel acoustics, this pick brings out the optimal without compromising on the sound quality.

Dark Green Picks - Fibre Plastic (soft .45, medium .60, hard .75) - If you prefer a thin gauge pick that is stiffer than all of the above, this one is for you.  If you are looking for a cross between celluloid and nylon picks, look no further.  Have a new experience with your acoustic and electric guitars today.

Folk Debut Series Sampler Pack - Can't decide which Folk Series pick is right for you... try them all!



Awe-In-One Picks - Rock Series
Black Pick - Soft Nylon (soft 0.60; medium 0.90; hard 1.20mm) - A 'must have' for all rock artists, travelling from pop to jazz, and blues to rock - truly a versatile pick. At your command, it brings you back from the country of folk to the world of soul.

Blue Pick - Nylon (soft 0.60; medium 0.90; hard 1.20mm) - Blue for the blues may be an appropriate statement for this pick. Aggressive yet subtle, powerful yet nimble. Designed for the true-blue guitarist crossing over to new frontiers.

Opal Pick - CelluPlus (soft 0.60mm; medium 0.90; hard 1.20mm) - Enjoy the smooth action and warm celluloid tone on your strings. Especially popular with electric guitarists busy with riff and lead performances. Feel and hear the difference today.

Grey Pick - PolyPlus (soft 0.60mm; medium 0.90; hard 1.20mm) - You will probably blow up your amp, or burst your strings, before you wear this one out. Specially designed for those who demand nothing but the heavy stuff. Well, we heard you - now you can be heard.

Dark Grey Pick - FibrePlus (soft 0.60mm; medium 0.90; hard 1.20mm) - A right mix of special fibre is added to this pick to ensure stiffness and a good balance of tone among nylon, celluloid and metal picks. FibrePlus is gentle on all guitar strings and has a lot to offer to discerning guitarists.

Rock Series Sampler Pack - Can't decide which Rock Series pick is right for you... try them all!

Folk & Rock Series Sampler Pack - Can't decide between the Folk & Rock Series... try one of each, plus a bonus profound pick!




Awe-In-One Picks - Profound Series
Purple PickNylon Flex (Hard 1.4mm) - If you usually require some flexibility to work on your shreds or bluegrass, this will be a good tool. Being the most flexible of the Profound series - notwithstanding the standard 1.4mm thickness - your exciting journey into speed begins. - Characteristics - Flex Touch

Dark Purple Pick - Nylon (Extra Hard 1.4mm) - This one shares the same characteristics as the purple Profound pick except that it is slightly stiffer. Flexibility is minimal and ideal for those who prefer an in-between of soft nylon and the hard polycarbonate. - Characteristics - Rigid Touch

White Pick - CelluPlus (Ultra Hard 1.4mm) - Enjoy a smoother attack and faster string release with a warm tone for your acoustic or electric guitar. The patented design, unique grip, ergonomics and material choice certainly say it all. - Characteristics - Warm Tones

Purplish Blue Pick - FibrePlus (Ultra Hard 1.4mm) - Crying out for something stiffer than nylons and more aggressive than celluloids? This pick answers to the call; we have added in a couple of special fibres to help you discern and discover that for yourself today. - Characteristics - Abrasive Attack

Clear Purple Pick - PolyPlus (Ultra Hard 1.4mm) - Just like the grip, the tone is unequalled to ordinary hard or metal picks, and favorable comments were received from heavy metal guitarists. Surprisingly, it is silky smooth on nylon strings. Check out this pick with two extremes that suits all expressions! - Characteristics - Icy Tone

Profound Series Sampler Pack - Can't decide which Profound Series pick is right for you... try them all!


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